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Monday, August 9, 2010

Glazing dilemma

I've been trying to put a top coat or glaze on the photos that I've mounted on wood panels.  I've asked around at art supply stores and was recommended two different products.  The first was Golden's Self Leveling Gel, the second was Liquitex's Pouring Medium...both had terrible results. 

This is the Self Leveling Gel:  selfing leveling??? how???  there are ridges and bubbles throughout.

This is the Pouring Medium:  definitely more evenly spread but even though I left it to dry with no bubbles, when I checked it in the morning it was covered in tiny bubbles.  The glaze caused the ink to smear a bit as well.  It also is very soft and easily scratched and dented.

I just went to Rona and picked up an Epoxy coating which suggest using this product on pictures mounted on wood...so I hoping this will be the one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was thinking in regards to the problem you had with Pouring Medium that if the surface is not properly sealed then maybe the porousness of the wood board is allowing air bubbles to come up through it. Next time I would try putting a barrier coat first, such as Liquitex Gloss Medium and Varnish. Hope this helps!