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Friday, February 1, 2013

Kahana Bay

I've always loved this picture of my brother and I in Kahana Bay in 2005.  I was working at a camp in Hawaii all summer and he came to visit.  We went camping with the rest of the staff.  Isn't it the best feeling to wake up from a good fresh air sleep to the sound of the ocean, a warm sea breeze and sand in your toes!?
When I saw Andy Davis's "The Yesterday Collection," I decided to give it ago with my own subject but still try to keep with his style. 

(his hair was the most frustrating part...the outline got huge from the get-go and there was no turning back...then trying to get it a decent colour was...ugh)

The inspiration from Andy Davis's work:

Musical Inspiration: Vampire Weekend (random mix of both albums...still so good)

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